Prompt # 11 – Greed – Excerpt from The Unwilling Bride


He unbuttoned his shirt. “You forget, I am the sheriff. Who is going to believe your word over mine?” He knelt beside her. “Besides, I am only taking what you owe me.” His fingers undid the clasp of her pelisse.

Henrietta screamed and he slapped her. “One night of passion for arresting Dillon Cade, remember?” His harsh whisper whizzed by her ear.

“The deal was for Caitlin,” she sobbed.

“The deal was for the traitor. I arrested him.” He ran a finger over her shoulder and down her arm.

Her body shivered. Some from the cold. Some from fear. “Oh God, how have I gotten myself into this mess?” She cried.

“Greed,” he whispered, forcing her back onto the pile of hay. “Pure greed.”

5 thoughts on “Prompt # 11 – Greed – Excerpt from The Unwilling Bride

  1. Hmmm. A very interesting piece, You have made your characters 3 dimensional, which is something I look for in any piece of writing – I can relate to her fear and picture the scene, which is excellent. A well written piece! Excellent!

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